Harshavardhana Empire Harshacharita the biography of Harsha, was written by Gunadhva Sri Harsha Banabhatta Sudraka Gunadhva Sri Harsha Banabhatta Sudraka ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Harshavardhana Empire The Gupta Saka was founded by Chandra Gupta, the Second Chandra Gupta, the First Kumara Gupta Samudra Gupta Chandra Gupta, the Second Chandra Gupta, the First Kumara Gupta Samudra Gupta ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Harshavardhana Empire Emperor Harsha's southward march was stopped on the Narmada river by Pulakesin-Il Vikramaditya-I Vikramaditya-II Pulakesin-I Pulakesin-Il Vikramaditya-I Vikramaditya-II Pulakesin-I ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Harshavardhana Empire What was the extent of Harsha's empire? A part of northern India The entire Deccan region The whole of India The entire Indian subcontinent A part of northern India The entire Deccan region The whole of India The entire Indian subcontinent ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Harshavardhana Empire The Gupta king who assumed the title of 'Vikramaditya' was Samudragupta Skandagupta Chandragupta-II Kumaragupta Samudragupta Skandagupta Chandragupta-II Kumaragupta ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Harshavardhana Empire After the death of Harsha, a tripartite struggle ensued between the three contemporary powers for the supremacy of Kannauj. Which of the following was not a party in the struggle? Paramaras Gurjar Partiharas Rastrakutas Palas Paramaras Gurjar Partiharas Rastrakutas Palas ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP