Chemical Reaction Engineering From Arhenius law, a plot of loge K versus 1/T gives a straight line with a slope of (-E/R). The unit of E/R is K cal/°K °K K cal K cal. °K K cal/°K °K K cal K cal. °K ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Chemical Reaction Engineering For an ideal gas mixture undergoing a reversible gaseous phase chemical reaction, the equilibrium constant Is independent of pressure Increases with pressure Decreases with pressure Increases /decreases with pressure depending on the stoichiometric co-efficients of the reaction Is independent of pressure Increases with pressure Decreases with pressure Increases /decreases with pressure depending on the stoichiometric co-efficients of the reaction ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Chemical Reaction Engineering Batch process is preferred over continuous process, when the Sales demand of product is not steady Product yields and quality can not be achieved in continuous process, because of long residence time Same equipment can not be used for several processes of the same nature All of these Sales demand of product is not steady Product yields and quality can not be achieved in continuous process, because of long residence time Same equipment can not be used for several processes of the same nature All of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Chemical Reaction Engineering Carbon particles accummulated on the catalyst used in the gas oil cracking lies in the category of __________ poison. Chemisorbed Deposited Selectivity Stability Chemisorbed Deposited Selectivity Stability ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Chemical Reaction Engineering There is no correspondence between stoichiometry and the rate equation in case of a/an __________ reaction. Autocatalytic Non-elementary Elementary Multiple Autocatalytic Non-elementary Elementary Multiple ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Chemical Reaction Engineering In case of staged packed bed reactors carrying out exothermic reaction, use High recycle for pure gas Cold shot operations for a dilute solution requiring large preheating to bring the stream upto the reaction temperature All of these Plug flow for dilute liquid requiring no large preheating of feed High recycle for pure gas Cold shot operations for a dilute solution requiring large preheating to bring the stream upto the reaction temperature All of these Plug flow for dilute liquid requiring no large preheating of feed ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP