Analog Electronics For a diode, reverse recovery time is defined as the time between the instant diode current becomes zero and the instant reverse recovery current decays to 10% of reverse peak current. 25% of reverse peak current. 0. 15% of reverse peak current. 10% of reverse peak current. 25% of reverse peak current. 0. 15% of reverse peak current. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics In a transistor leakage current mainly depends on Doping of base Size of emitter Rating of transistor Temperature Doping of base Size of emitter Rating of transistor Temperature ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics For transistor action all of these. the emitter should be heavily doped. the base region must be very thin and lightly doped. Je must be forward biased and Jc should be reverse biased. all of these. the emitter should be heavily doped. the base region must be very thin and lightly doped. Je must be forward biased and Jc should be reverse biased. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics Voltage controlled oscillators are used commonly in All the above Pulse Modulators Frequency Modulators Phase Clocked loops Frequency Modulators Phase Clocked loops All the above Pulse Modulators Frequency Modulators Phase Clocked loops Frequency Modulators Phase Clocked loops ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics The knee voltage (cut in voltage) of silicon diode 1.0 V. 0.2 V. 0.7 V. 0.8 V. 1.0 V. 0.2 V. 0.7 V. 0.8 V. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics The junction capacitance of linearly graded junction varies with the applied reverse bias, VR as (VR)- 1/3. (VR)- 1. (VR)- 1/2. (VR)1/2. (VR)- 1/3. (VR)- 1. (VR)- 1/2. (VR)1/2. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP