Digital Computer Electronics Flip-flop outputs are always the same complimentary independent of each other None of these same as inputs the same complimentary independent of each other None of these same as inputs ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Computer Electronics What is the main advantage of using MOSFET rather than bipolar transistor circuitary in ICs? None of these system designers are more familiar with MOS circuitary fewer power supply connections are required with MOS ICs higher operating speed than bipolar circuits much greater complexity (more components) than bipolar circuits : better economy None of these system designers are more familiar with MOS circuitary fewer power supply connections are required with MOS ICs higher operating speed than bipolar circuits much greater complexity (more components) than bipolar circuits : better economy ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Computer Electronics How many inputs signals can a gate have? one more than one None of these two only both (a) and (b) one more than one None of these two only both (a) and (b) ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Computer Electronics Conversion of binary number 111112 to an octal number is 378 428 358 328 None of these 378 428 358 328 None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Computer Electronics If a microcomputer has a 64K memory, what are the hexadecimal notations for the first and last memory location? None of these 0000, 9999 0000, FFFF 0000, EEEE 0, 64 None of these 0000, 9999 0000, FFFF 0000, EEEE 0, 64 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Computer Electronics The 2's compliment of binary number 010111.1100 is 101001.11 None of these 101000.01 101000.0011 10111.0011 101001.11 None of these 101000.01 101000.0011 10111.0011 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP