Common Error Detection Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence. The mission provides / able service to all / the needy people in this area / during last few years. the needy people in this area during last few years No error able service to all The mission provides the needy people in this area during last few years No error able service to all The mission provides ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Common Error Detection Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence: The woman that had / kidnapped a child has now / been apprehended and is being / held in the city's jail. been apprehended and is being The woman that had kidnapped a child has now held in the city's jail No error been apprehended and is being The woman that had kidnapped a child has now held in the city's jail No error ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Common Error Detection Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence.He ensured his bank manager / that he would soon / repay the loan. No error repay the loan He ensured his bank manager that he would soon No error repay the loan He ensured his bank manager that he would soon ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Common Error Detection Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence.He was too / irritated to / concentrate on his work / for a long time. irritated to for a long time No error He was too concentrate on his work irritated to for a long time No error He was too concentrate on his work ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Common Error Detection Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence.Having learn my lessons / I was very careful / in dealing with him / in front of his room-mate. I was very careful in front of his room-mate Having learn my lessons No error in dealing with him I was very careful in front of his room-mate Having learn my lessons No error in dealing with him ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Common Error Detection Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence. When he was asked what is wrong with him / he said that he was not well / and asked for leave of absence for one day. When he was asked what is wrong with him No error and asked for leave of absence for one day he said that he was not well When he was asked what is wrong with him No error and asked for leave of absence for one day he said that he was not well ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP