Common Error Detection Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence. Hardly had the / sad news reached her / ears when she / broke into tears. Hardly had the ears when she sad news reached her broke into tears No errors Hardly had the ears when she sad news reached her broke into tears No errors ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Common Error Detection Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence. He is generally / more hungry / than she is more hungry He is generally than she is No error. more hungry He is generally than she is No error. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Common Error Detection Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence. Jayesh loved his Guru immensely / and gave him fullest loyalty, / yet he had his own / independent way of thinking. No error independent way of thinking Jayesh loved his Guru immensely and gave him fullest loyalty yet he had his own No error independent way of thinking Jayesh loved his Guru immensely and gave him fullest loyalty yet he had his own ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Common Error Detection Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence.I cannot / make from / what you are saying / about him. No error I cannot about him make from what you are saying No error I cannot about him make from what you are saying ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Common Error Detection Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence. The criminal was / caught, convicted the hung / in a short period of time. No error in a short period of time The criminal was caught, convicted the hung No error in a short period of time The criminal was caught, convicted the hung ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Common Error Detection Find out whether there is any grammatical error in below sentence.Hindi and Marathi are / different forms of the Sanskrit / which were once spoken / in almost every part of India. in almost every part of India No error Hindi and Marathi are which were once spoken different forms of the Sanskrit in almost every part of India No error Hindi and Marathi are which were once spoken different forms of the Sanskrit ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP