The Indian Naval Ship Tabar arrived at Portsmouth in England, to undertake the annual bilateral drill 'Exercise Konkan 2021' between the Indian Navy and Britain's Royal Navy.
The Dharwad-headquartered Karnataka Vikas Grameena Bank (KVGB), in association with the Karnataka government, has launched the 'Farmer Registration and Unified Beneficiary Information System' (FRUITS) portal.
Maki Kaji, the creator of the puzzle Sudoku passed away at the age of 69 years due to bile duct cancer. He was known as the father of Sodoku and was from Japan.
The book titled "The Dream of Revolution: A Biography of Jayaprakash Narayan" is going to be released on August 23, 2021. The book has been written by historian Bimal Prasad and author Sujata Prasad.