Tripura has the highest number of primate species found in any Indian state. Tripura is a landlocked state in North East India. Tripura became a Union Territory on 1 July, 1963, and attained the status of a full-fledged state on 21 January, 1972. Tripura has a tropical savanna climate. The ancient name of Tripura is Kirat Desh or “The land of Kirat”.
North-Eastern Zonal Council has eight states viz, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura, Assam. Taking states and UTs together, the Northern zonal council has the maximum number of states and UT.
All given statements are correct Growing of two or more than two crops simultaneously on the same piece of land is called inter-cropping. It yields higher productivity per unit area. It is mostly prevalent in plantation crops like coconut and areca nut. Main objectives of intercropping are:Insurance against total crop failure under aberrant weather conditions or pest epidemicsIncrease in total productivity per unit land areaJudicious utilization of resources such as land, labor and inputs
Kindly note that the current break up of instaled capacity is hydro (3804 MW), wind power (21136 MW), Bio mass power / co-generation (4014 MW), Waste to power (107 MW) and Solar power (2132 MW). Further, notable fact is that wind power output alone exceeds nuclear-generated electricity in India.