Completing Statements Dinesh is as stupid as he is lazy means ...... Dinesh is hardly stupid but he is lazy Dinesh is lazy because he is stupid Dinesh is equally stupid and lazy Dinesh is either stupid or lazy Dinesh is stupid because he is lazy Dinesh is hardly stupid but he is lazy Dinesh is lazy because he is stupid Dinesh is equally stupid and lazy Dinesh is either stupid or lazy Dinesh is stupid because he is lazy ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Completing Statements "Whatever Dev uttered was without rhyme or reason" means ...... Dev was talking something which was beyond our experience Dev said something which has no meaning, it was totally baseless Dev could not recite any poem or speech Dev did not refer to any poem to support his statements Dev spoke flatly without any emotion or reason Dev was talking something which was beyond our experience Dev said something which has no meaning, it was totally baseless Dev could not recite any poem or speech Dev did not refer to any poem to support his statements Dev spoke flatly without any emotion or reason ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Completing Statements He is so lazy that he ...... cannot delay the schedule of completing the work dislike to postpone the work that he undertakes to do can seldom complete his work on time cannot depend on others for getting his work done always help others to complete their work cannot delay the schedule of completing the work dislike to postpone the work that he undertakes to do can seldom complete his work on time cannot depend on others for getting his work done always help others to complete their work ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Completing Statements His behaviour is so unpredictable that he ...... is seldom trusted by others seldom trusts others as far as the work schedule is concerned always finds it difficult to keep his word never depends upon others for getting his work done always insists on getting the work completed on time is seldom trusted by others seldom trusts others as far as the work schedule is concerned always finds it difficult to keep his word never depends upon others for getting his work done always insists on getting the work completed on time ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Completing Statements "It is an uphill task but you will have to do it" means ...... It is a very easy task but you must do it This work is not reserved for you but you will have to do it The work is above the hill and you will have to do it It is very difficult task but you have to do it It is almost impossible for others but you can do it It is a very easy task but you must do it This work is not reserved for you but you will have to do it The work is above the hill and you will have to do it It is very difficult task but you have to do it It is almost impossible for others but you can do it ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Completing Statements Even though it is very large house, ...... there is hardly any space available for children there is no dearth of space for children the municipal taxes on it are very happy there is a lot of space available in it for children the servants take a long time to clean it there is hardly any space available for children there is no dearth of space for children the municipal taxes on it are very happy there is a lot of space available in it for children the servants take a long time to clean it ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP