Electric Circuits Dependent source of current and voltage are those which have output dependent on input. independent of any other network variable. All of these unidirectional characteristic. output dependent on input. independent of any other network variable. All of these unidirectional characteristic. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Electric Circuits The term trickle charge is associated with lead acid battery. nickel iron battery. dry cell. silver zinc battery. lead acid battery. nickel iron battery. dry cell. silver zinc battery. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Electric Circuits An electric field line and an equipotential surface are always parallel. inclined at any angle. always perpendicular. none of above. always parallel. inclined at any angle. always perpendicular. none of above. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Electric Circuits Two battery having unequal emf can be connected in series only. both a and d cannot be connected in parallel. cannot be connected in series. can be connected in series only. both a and d cannot be connected in parallel. cannot be connected in series. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Electric Circuits Which quantity should be measured by the voltmeter ? Voltage Speed Current Power Voltage Speed Current Power ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Electric Circuits Capacitor does not allow the sudden change of voltage None of these current power voltage None of these current power ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP