Indian Economy Deficit financing leads to inflation in general, but it can be checked if All of the listed here government expenditure leads to increase in the aggregate supply in ratio of aggregate demand only aggregate demand is increased all the expenditure is denoted national debt payment only All of the listed here government expenditure leads to increase in the aggregate supply in ratio of aggregate demand only aggregate demand is increased all the expenditure is denoted national debt payment only ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Indian Economy Reserve Bank of India will soon release plastic notes in circulation will be of : Rs 20 notes Rs 100 notes Rs 50 notes Rs 10 notes Rs 20 notes Rs 100 notes Rs 50 notes Rs 10 notes ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Indian Economy Depreciation means closure of a plant due to lock out loss of equipment over time due to wear and tear destruction of a plant in a fire accident closure of a plant due to labour trouble closure of a plant due to lock out loss of equipment over time due to wear and tear destruction of a plant in a fire accident closure of a plant due to labour trouble ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Indian Economy Navaratna Status is concerned with: None of these Both A and B Public Sector Companies Private Sector Companies None of these Both A and B Public Sector Companies Private Sector Companies ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Indian Economy Since independence, both development and non-development expenditures have increased; the increase in the former being a little more than in the other. Non-development expenditure involves I=interest payments II=subsidies III=defence IV=irrigation I, II, III I I, II II, III, IV I, II, III I I, II II, III, IV ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Indian Economy The Ex-Officio Secretary of National Development Council is: General Secretary of Lok Sabha Secretary of Finance Ministry Secretary of Planning Commission Vice Chairman of Planning Commission General Secretary of Lok Sabha Secretary of Finance Ministry Secretary of Planning Commission Vice Chairman of Planning Commission ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP