3 September 2021 Current Affairs
Biological E vaccine has received DGCI approval to conduct phase 2/3 trials on children. What is the name of its COVID vaccine candidate?
Hyderabad-based Biological E Limited got approval from the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) to conduct Phase 2 & 3 clinical trials for its COVID-19 vaccine Corbevax on children aged between 5 and 18 years of age with certain conditions.
Scientists at the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT), Ropar and Kanpur have jointly launched a living-plant based air purifier named "Ubreathe Life", that will boost the air purification process in the indoor spaces.
Maharashtra's capital city, Mumbai has made the RT-PCR test mandatory for international passengers arriving from Europe, China, Middle East and few more countries.
Adidas has roped in Tokyo Olympic Silver-medalist Mirabai Chanu for its "Stay in Play" campaign for its latest product innovation designed to keep more menstruating women in sports.