Bhaga, Bhoga, Kara and Hiranya refers to the different types of revenues which were collected by the rulers during the early medieval period. They were the chief sources of revenue to the donees.
The famous Chola king Karikala of the Sangam age is credited with constructing a dam on the Kaveri river. It is considered to be the earliest dam in the country.
The Ninth Rock Edict criticizes the use of various popular ceremonies like during the marriage of son or daughter, birth of a child, etc. On the contrary it lays stress on Dhamma and tells the usefulness of moral conduct in one’s life.
The Ikshavakus arose on the ruins of Satavahana power in eastern part of the peninsula in India. The Ikshavakus left behind many monuments at Nagarjunkonda and Dharanikota. They were a local tribe.