Chemistry Atoms of different elements have Same atomic number and same electronic configuration Different atomic number and same eletronic configu-ration Same number of electrons and neutrons Different atomic number and different number of valence electrons Same atomic number and same electronic configuration Different atomic number and same eletronic configu-ration Same number of electrons and neutrons Different atomic number and different number of valence electrons ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Chemistry When conc. H2SO4 is added to dry KNO3, brown fumes are evolved. These fumes are due to SO3 NO2 N2O SO2 SO3 NO2 N2O SO2 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Chemistry The most common cause of pollution of air is Carbon monoxide Carbon dioxide Sulphur dioxide Smoke Carbon monoxide Carbon dioxide Sulphur dioxide Smoke ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Chemistry In deep-sea diving, divers use a mixture of gases consisting of oxygen and Hydrogen Nitrogen Argon Helium Hydrogen Nitrogen Argon Helium ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Chemistry Which of the following is not soluble in water ? Lead Sulphate Potassium sulphate Sodium sulphate Zinc sulphate Lead Sulphate Potassium sulphate Sodium sulphate Zinc sulphate ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Chemistry Which one is heaviest naturally-occurring element of the periodic element Rhodium Uranium Thorium Iron Rhodium Uranium Thorium Iron ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP