Aadi Pooram is celebrated in Tamil Nadu albeit in a subdued manner due to the Pandemic Restrictions. Aadi Pooram is also celebrated as the birthday of Andal, a famous Tamil Poet of the Vaishnavite sect.
The Geo-Imaging Satellite (GISAT-1) was launched by ISRO on the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle- F 10 (GSLV-F10). However, the satellite failed to reach orbit because of a technical setback.
Kamlesh Kumar Pant, a 1993-batch IAS officer of Himachal Pradesh cadre, has been appointed as the new chairman of National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) by the Appointments Committee of the Union Cabinet.
On Aug 11, 2021, The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) successfully test-fired a 1,000-km range Nirbhay cruise missile from the Chandipur testing facility in Odisha.