1 August 2021 Current Affairs
A 'Samajik Adhikarita Shivir' for the distribution of assistive devices and aids to 'Divyangjan' took place in which state?
On 31st July 2021 a 'Samajik Adhikarita Shivir' for the distribution of assistive devices and aids to 'Divyangjan' will be distributed in Madhya Pradesh.
Mini polyhouse which is a kind of greenhouse will be built under the "Krishikarna" project, launched in Kerala, a joint initiative of the National Society for Agricultural Horticulture (SAHS), the Sustainability Foundation and Qore3 Innovations.
India ranks fifth highest in terms of the impact from automation and ninth in terms of level preparedness, according to a recent research study conducted by Deloitte and commissioned by Autodesk Foundation.