Idiom A rare event. A blue moon A full moon A red moon A radiant moon A blue moon A full moon A red moon A radiant moon ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Idiom To throw down the glove To reject the prize To resort to wrong tactics To give a challenge To accept defeat To reject the prize To resort to wrong tactics To give a challenge To accept defeat ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Idiom For each of the following sentences four alternatives are given. You are required to choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given or underlined in the sentence. He threw cold water over the project that the secretary had prepared. discouraged cleared encouraged rejected discouraged cleared encouraged rejected ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Idiom It is an oxygen carrying protein of red colour concentrated in red blood cells. Haemoglobin Actin Gastrin Insulin Haemoglobin Actin Gastrin Insulin ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Idiom For each of the following sentences four alternatives are given. You are required to choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given or underlined in the sentence. At one's beck and call Enjoying oneself without caring for others To be in an advantageous position To be under one's subjugation To be always at one's service Enjoying oneself without caring for others To be in an advantageous position To be under one's subjugation To be always at one's service ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Idiom For each of the following sentences four alternatives are given. You are required to choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given or underlined in the sentence. The Chief Minister had the Inspector General of Police to fill him in on the behaviour of the arrested terrorists. None of these take action against the terrorists probe into the cases against the terrorists inform him about the terrorists None of these take action against the terrorists probe into the cases against the terrorists inform him about the terrorists ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP