One Word Substitution A person who doesn't take any intoxicating Drink Non-alcoholic Beverage Gentlemen Teetotaler Non-alcoholic Beverage Gentlemen Teetotaler ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
One Word Substitution Choose the option which describes the closest meaning for the expression given or part of sentence in bold.Virus is a biological entity which lives on another organism. Symbiotic Plebiscite Dependant Parasite Symbiotic Plebiscite Dependant Parasite ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
One Word Substitution To meditate between two parties in a dispute. Interact Interfere Intercede Interrupt Interact Interfere Intercede Interrupt ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
One Word Substitution The education in primitive gurukuls comprised mainly of telling the stories of old time gods or heroes. Legend Allegory Ode Epic Legend Allegory Ode Epic ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
One Word Substitution Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given. State in which the few govern the many Plutocracy Monarchy Oligarchy Autocracy Plutocracy Monarchy Oligarchy Autocracy ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
One Word Substitution Submarines operate below the surface of the seas. Perspicacious Subterranean Superfluous Surreptitious Perspicacious Subterranean Superfluous Surreptitious ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP