Digital Computer Electronics A p- channel enhancement type MOSFET performs much the same function as a PNP transistor, except that it is considerably larger it operates much faster it is controlled by voltage rather than by current, so that it requires very little current at the control terminal it is controlled by current rather than by voltage like a bipolar transistor. None of these it is considerably larger it operates much faster it is controlled by voltage rather than by current, so that it requires very little current at the control terminal it is controlled by current rather than by voltage like a bipolar transistor. None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Computer Electronics With a JK master-slave flip-flop the master is cocked when the clock is _____ and the slave is triggered when the clock is _____ None of these set, race race, no change set, reset high, low None of these set, race race, no change set, reset high, low ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Computer Electronics For an input pulse train of clock period T, the delay produced by an n stage shift register is (n+l)T 2nT None of these nT (n-l)T (n+l)T 2nT None of these nT (n-l)T ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Computer Electronics Conversion of an octal number 1068 to binary number is None of these 100001102 10001102 11001102 11100102 None of these 100001102 10001102 11001102 11100102 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Computer Electronics Conversion of binary number 111112 to an octal number is 378 None of these 358 428 328 378 None of these 358 428 328 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Computer Electronics The inverter OR gate and AND gate are called decision-making elements because they can recognize some input _____ while disregarding others. A gate recognizes a word when its output is _____ None of these bytes, high character, low words, high bytes, low None of these bytes, high character, low words, high bytes, low ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP