Alligation or Mixture problems
A man pays Rs. 6.40 per litre of milk. He adds water and sells the mixture at Rs. 8 per litre, thereby making 37.5% profit. The proportion of water to milk received by the customers is
Customer ratio of Milk and Water is given by Milk :: Water 6.4 0 8 1 + 3 8 = 64 11 64 11 64 10 - 64 11 => Milk : Water = 110 : 11 = 10 : 1 Therefore, the proportionate of Water to Milk for Customer is 1 : 10
Ratio of milk and water = 2 : 1Quantity of milk = 60 X 2/3 = 40 litreQuantity of water = 20 litreTo make ratio, 1: 2, we have to double the water that of milkSo, water should be 80 litre.That means 80 ? 20 = 60 litre water to be added.
Given rate of wheat at cheap = Rs. 2.90/kg Rate of wheat at cost = Rs. 3.20/kg Mixture rate = Rs. 3/kg Ratio of mixture = 2.90 3.20 3 (3.20 - 3 = 0.20) (3 - 2.90 = 0.10) 0.20 : 0.10 = 2:1 Hence, wheat at Rs. 3.20/kg be mixed with wheat at Rs. 2.90/kg in the ratio of 2:1, so that the mixture be worth Rs. 3/kg.
Let us assume the number of boys = B and number of girls = G.According to question,B + G = 30Lets us assume total weight of boys = W1 and total weight of girls = W2average weight of boys = total weight of boys/number of boystotal weight of boys/number of boys = 20W1/B = 20W1 = 20Baverage weight of girls = total weight of girls/number of girls25 = W2/GW2 = 25GData is not sufficient to solve the equation.since we do not know either the average weight of the whole class or the ratio of no. of boys to girls.