Computer Basic Information A half byte is know is Nibble Half byte Bit None of these Data Nibble Half byte Bit None of these Data ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Computer Basic Information The first computer mouse was built by Douglas Engelbart Robert Zawacki Oaniel Coogher William English Douglas Engelbart Robert Zawacki Oaniel Coogher William English ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Computer Basic Information A storage area used to store data to compensate for the difference in speed at which the different units can handle data is None of these Address Accumulator Memory Buffer None of these Address Accumulator Memory Buffer ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Computer Basic Information Which of the following is used as storage locations both in the ALU and the control section of a computer? decoder register accumulator None of these adder decoder register accumulator None of these adder ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Computer Basic Information Main storage is also called Control unit Accumulator None of these memory Register unit Control unit Accumulator None of these memory Register unit ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Computer Basic Information Which of the following time will normally be determined by the requirements of the device to which the transfer is being made Delay Cycle Access None of these Hold Delay Cycle Access None of these Hold ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP