One Word Substitution A book or picture produced merely to bring in money Money-spinner Blue-bird Pot-hook Pot-boiler Money-spinner Blue-bird Pot-hook Pot-boiler ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
One Word Substitution An old unmarried woman Bachelor Matron Virgin Spinster Bachelor Matron Virgin Spinster ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
One Word Substitution Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given. A person of good understanding knowledge and reasoning power Intellectual Literate Snob Expert Intellectual Literate Snob Expert ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
One Word Substitution Animals living on land and in water Ambiguous Amphibian Ambivalent Amorphous Ambiguous Amphibian Ambivalent Amorphous ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
One Word Substitution The act of violating the sanctity of the church is Blasphemy Veneration Sacrilege Heresy Blasphemy Veneration Sacrilege Heresy ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
One Word Substitution Member of a band of robbers Brigand Thief Pirate Dacoit Brigand Thief Pirate Dacoit ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP